100 schools in Philippines received free Double A bond paper.

Double A Philippines has donated premium quality bond papers to 100 selected schools in Philippines in order to support a new Self-Learning method nationwide.
Philippines’ regular school calendar begins in early June and usually ends in March or April the following year. The national government announced that there is no face to face classes this coming school year. Public schools will adopt a new method of learning which is Self-Learning Materials or simply module.
This year access to education is entirely different from normal education. School teachers will print Self-Learning Materials which they (teachers) can either distribute to different households or parents of students can pick up the module in their respective school campuses. Meanwhile, National Government Budget for printing material is limited and some of the schools are asking for donation from different civil groups and alumni.
As a global brand, Double A support in helping local communities. The company provides a better-quality module by using our high-quality bond papers. This donation drive empowers the Double A Philippine team to be more involve and create future project for the country. The local team believes that it is their moral obligation to contribute and to make a better society.