Double A welcomes the place given to private companies at the COP21

Paris, 21 December 2015 – Double A welcomes the change made at the COP21 in Paris, during which the place given to the private sector at the negotiation table has increased. The 21st Conference of the Parties, that took place in Paris from the 30th of November to the 11th of December, has made a significant change from the previous conferences by involving companies to take place in the decision making process. Double A welcomes this change that reflects the longstanding involvement of the company for sustainable development.
Double A has been closely following the negotiations and discussions that took place during the COP21 in Paris. As every year, the members of the Conference of the Parties meet to decide what measures to implement in order to limit global warming. Following the failure of the Copenhagen conference, voices were raised to change the unilateral way used by the governments to manage the negotiations. Double A is pleased with the place that companies have acquired in the COP21.
“Our society has understood the importance of the issues related to sustainable development. Governments play a major role, but private companies are also important players and have to implement actions to support sustainability”, as explained by Mr Thirawit Leetavorn, Senior Executive Vice President of Double A. “The COP21 is a way to highlight the actions already taken by the private sector as the ones it plans to implement”.
A long term commitment for sustainable development
Double A believes that the fight against climate change and for sustainability has also to be conducted by the private sector. Implementing a sustainable business model is something that has always been at the heart of Double A’s policy. Double A has received several awards for its commitment. In October 2015 during the FTCC Annual Charity Gala Dinner, the Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce (FTCC) conferred Double A with a Special Environmental Award for developing a unique and sustainable source of fiber, Paper from KHAN-NA, and implementing a sustainability policy in accordance with international standards. Indeed, this unique method of production consists in planting Double A paper tree along the vacant land between paddy fields in order to avoid deforestation while giving additional income to Thai farmers.
Furthermore, Double A's objective is to produce green energy on site the residues of the pulp manufacturing process. Double A has developed its own model of sustainable and efficient management of resources conceptualized by the principle "No Waste is wasted". In order to do so, the company turns waste from the pulp production process such as bark, oversized wood chips and black liquor into renewable biomass. The electricity produced from renewable biomass is used throughout Double A mill. Surpluses are sold to local grid.
Double A has built its business on sustainability and has become one of the major pulp and paper companies, proving that private companies can act on sustainability and be an important part of the change.